The inhabitants of the "Ruins" were shrouded in mystery and urban legend. The Rock throwers were most likely a band addicts to meth or some other drug, but some people believed them to be an ancient culture forgotten by modern society. Never the less to Simonic and the rest of the town the origin of the "rock throwers" remained a secret.
Many a poor soul was said to have entered "The Ruins" and never come back. The outskirts of the area were relatively safe, kids from town often visited the "Ruins" to smoke marijuana, drink alcohol and enjoy dangerous atmosphere. At night the Rock throwers set up lavish shrines of shiny mostly worthless trinkets and anything that glittered or caught the eye. The "Rock Throwers," were a peaceful people so long as their territory was respected. If anyone so much as looked scornfully at their mounds of "trophies" they would be viciously attacked.
The kids from the town made a sport out of stealing these ornaments and evading assault from the increasingly hostile "Rock throwers."
To be continued...
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